Rencontre Annuelle Des Arts 2023


The National Art Gallery (NAG) invites Mauritian Visual Artists to participate in the Rencontre Annuelle des Arts 2023. This exhibition will be held at the Caudan Arts Centre, Port Louis from 8 to 20 December 2023.

The Entry Form including the Conditions for Participation is available on Facebook page of the National Art Gallery: National Art Gallery- Mauritius

Or Click to download

Or can be collected (hard-copy) at the reception of the National Art Gallery on weekdays from 09 00 hours to 12 00 hours; 12 30 hours to 16 00 hours.

Deadline for the submission of entries – Monday, 27 November 2023 by 16 00 hours latest, either by:

  1. email : ; or
  2. by Post or hand-despatched in a sealed envelope addressed to the Officer in Charge of the National Art Gallery with Rencontre Annuelle des Arts clearly written on the top left corner of the envelope.

National Art Gallery
Suite 10, Lancaster Court,
Lavoquer Street,
Port Louis
Republic of Mauritius.

Tel: 2130566/67   
Fax: 2130565    

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