Art Exhibition at Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site
In collaboration with
(Under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage)
Art exhibition at Aapravasi ghat world heritage site
The exhibition theme: Destination Port Louis: Imagining the Future of Heritage District
The Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund (AGTF) in collaboration with the National Art Gallery is organizing an Art Exhibition at Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site in Port Louis in the context of the National Commemoration of the 190th Anniversary of the Arrival of Indentured Labourers in Mauritius (2 November 2024)
The AGTF is inviting individuals or group of artists to make proposals in diverse forms of art at the Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site from 02 November to March 2025.
The Exhibition Theme is “Destination Port Louis: Imagining the Future of Heritage District”
Artists are invited to produce works of art expressing their vision for the development of the heritage district within the capital city of Port Louis. This district aims to transform Buffer Zone 1 of the Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Property (AGWHP) into a vibrant cultural hub, preserving its historical and cultural integrity while promoting sustainable development through art and culture.
Buffer Zone 1, recognized for its historical urban landscapes, includes numerous national heritage sites and listed buildings. The Heritage District will enhance these historic buildings through adaptive reuse and compatible landscaping, fostering a vibrant cultural destination that attracts tourism and generates revenue. Rehabilitation projects are already underway, with positive endorsements from UNESCO. In view of same, artists are invited to produce works of art expressing their vision for the heritage district within the capital city of Port Louis.
This part of the port city of Port Louis played a crucial role in shaping the multicultural society of Mauritius during colonial times, serving a hub for trade, migration, and cultural exchange. From these different factors Port Louis developed its unique characteristics, including diversity, cosmopolitanism, and complex social structures and cultural dynamics. The presence of diverse labour forces, including free and unfree workers, further influenced the development of the Mauritian society. These different confluences continue to shape modern urban landscapes and Mauritian society.
There are many stories to be told regarding the development of this area. Historians, urban planners, engineers, ,architects, anthropologists and artists, all research diverse aspects of these complex and intricate heritage. Each story contributes a piece to the large puzzle, allowing us to gain a greater understanding of these spaces and apply this to guide them through the future of the Heritage district. This exhibition will furthermore provide the fertile ground for the basis for consultation with the community at large.
The selected artists or group of artists will be allocated a sum of MUR 10,000 to support the cost of materials.
Artists are invited to visit the World Heritage Site before the submission of their proposals.
The Entry Form including the Conditions for Participation is available:
- For download on the website and the Facebook Page of the Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site and the National Art Gallery- Mauritius;
- On request by email on;
- Or can be collected from the Beekrumsing Ramlallah Interpretation Centre, Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site , 1, Quay Street, Port Louis and at the National Art Gallery, Suite 10, Lancaster Court, Lavoquer Street
Port Louis.
The deadline for submission of proposals is Monday 23 September 2024 before 16:00 latest by:
- Email on;
- Post or hand – dispatched in a sealed envelope with the mention Destination Port Louis: Imagining the Future of Heritage District clearly written on the top left corner of the envelope, to the Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund.
Date: 22 August 2024